Are you a random weirdo or a cool weirdo?

OK. You might be a random weirdo, and you might not be. If you are, I would love to be your verrrrry bestestestestest friend, because, you know. But if you aren't...:*(

And then there might be those of you that need to work on your randomness... I respect that as long as you try to get better at it. So to find out what you are, take my beautimous quiz!

Created by: My real name?

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Rubber duck.
  2. LOOK! What do you think I saw?
  3. You like to eat...
  4. I am tired of making this quiz.
  5. Congrats for being halfway there!
  6. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood (Try typing that 3 times fast)?
  7. Hello... TRUE or FALSE?
  8. Your excuse for getting away from this quiz?
  9. ...
  10. Okay, last question! Any comments before you get your results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a random weirdo or a cool weirdo?