Are you a noob!!!

They are great people who never act like one(new)A new is someone who has not a clue on what to do.If you are a new please take this test.Good luck people.

ARE YOU A NEW?you should have made more games,then you will have a better change off beating this simple test.You will find out by taking this tested.

Created by: rooo0
  1. Who owns sploder
  2. Who is more popular.
  3. How many badges can you get in sploder.
  4. Name the member that is in charge of the MSM recruitment thread.
  5. How many game creators are they in sploder.
  6. Whose the person you know most.
  7. How many people are they in sploder{approx}
  8. Is 1234545 a robot.
  9. What do you mostly do in sploder.
  10. You want to make a game.

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Quiz topic: Am I a noob!!!