Are You A Ninja??

Ninjas are so totally awesum so if your not one you should so totally go home buddy!! Pulls out your ninja swords and keyboards to see how ninja you REALLY are!!!!!!!!

Are you a ninja?? Do you have the skills, will power and determination??? Take this quiz to see how ninja you really are!!!! If you are a ninja then you are cool but if your not then you suck!! LOL

Created by: Mooksiecuddlepoof && G
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the best colour?
  2. Which weapon is the best?
  3. Do you like martial arts?
  4. Are you sneaky?
  5. Who is your hero?
  6. What is the best time of the day?
  7. Who do you trust?
  8. Who are the coolest people/person ever?
  9. Did the last question make you angry?
  10. Do you get tired alot?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Ninja??