Are you a Nightwing, an Icewing or a hybrid?

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This quiz will decide if you are a Nightwing Icewing or a hybrid of both enjoy the quiz! Remember to click a smiley rating . Good luck! Ignore hhfghhdfju

Ignore NdnfhhvnfhvhfhvhvnvnvncnnvnvnfhvhdhchfndhcnxncmxmcmcmcnmccmmvmcmvmcmcmcmcmmcmcmcmcmHbbhhbccnjybsh bun bghnfggn a black white black dragon with a white white blue black black dragon white white blue white black black dragon white white

Created by: StarquakeANightwing
  1. Are you a girl or a boy
  2. Fave colour
  3. Do you like fighting spying or blood
  4. Do you panic
  5. Which side of the war is the good guys
  6. Homework
  7. And image for the quiz
  8. Fggfb
  9. Hi
  10. And we’re done
  11. Frfr actually not prank!

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nightwing, an Icewing or a hybrid?
