Are you a mathematic genius

There are many smart people, but only a few geniuses. What is a genius? A genius is someone who is open minded and who can solve complex problems in many different ways.

Do you think you are a mathematic genius? If you are really good at math, come and take this quiz, you will find out. Get some paper and pencil, this quiz takes a lot of work to do, get ready! Good luck!

Created by: xuyihao2001
  1. What's the value of 1+3+5+7+...+95+97+99?
  2. How many points do you need to create a circle?
  3. Jessica toss 2 coins. The probability of getting a head and a tail is the same as the probability of getting both of them heads.
  4. A repeating number is 133485711334857113348... What's this number's 250th digit?
  5. X+Y=Z. X-Y=Z divided by 4. 2Y=X+2 What's the value of Y+Z?
  6. A*A minus B*B equals? (* means multiply)
  7. 4x*x+8x-5=0 x=? There are 2 possible values for x.
  8. x*x minus 5x minus 3 equals 0. What are the 2 possible values for x? (/ means divide)
  9. x*x + 3x + 2 > 0 What are the values of x?
  10. A sphere's radius is 8 cm long, what's the surface area of this sphere?
  11. George lies on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Emily lies on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. What's the day that they will both say,"I will lie tomorrow!"
  12. A person went into a zoo. He saw some chickens and bunnies in a cage, he counted 56 heads and 176 legs of the chickens and bunnies. How many bunnies were there?
  13. 9988*10001=? Do this problem without a calculator
  14. Car A drives 1.2km/minute, Car B drives 1.4km/minute. Car A started off first. Five minutes later, Car B started off on the same line of Car A, how long will it take for Car B to catch Car A?
  15. The total distance from point A to point B is 1020 km. Car A's speed is 104km/hour. Car B's speed is 82km/hour. Car A is starting from point A and heading to point B. Car B is starting from point B and heading to point A. They started at the same time. After car A drives 45 minutes, the driver finds out that his car has a little problem, so he comes down and fixed it, it takes him 15 minutes. After car B drives 2 hours, the driver speed up to 88km/hour. Car A and car B eventually meet together. The point where they meet together is point C. What is the distance from point A to point C rounded to the nearest hundredth?
  16. Tom's age and his grandma's age adding together is 84. Three years later, Tom's grandma will be 5 times older than Tom, how old is Tom right now?
  17. What's the value of 3.5 to the power of 1.7 rounded to the nearest hundredth? Do this problem without a calculator.
  18. Which one is larger: A 9 inches pizza or two 6 inches pizza? (The pizzas are round)
  19. There is a two digit number. The sum of the digits is 12. The number's digits switched place with each other. The original number is bigger than the new number by 36. What's the value of the original number plus the new number?
  20. There are 40 students in the class. The class average of a math test is 78.2%. The average mark of the students that scored above the class average is 85.5%. The average mark of the students below the class average is 69.27%(the digit 7 is repeating). There is no one that scored exactly 78.2%. How many students scored above the class average?
  21. Evaluate to the lowest term: 1 / (the square root of 3 + the square root of 2 + the square root of 5)

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Quiz topic: Am I a mathematic genius