Are you a jerk?

Lots of people are jerks. Even your closest friends. They might seem like your friend, but are they really? Here is a chance to find out just click on this quiz and you can see for yourself!

This is a really fun game that you can test your friends and see if they are a jerk or not. Just click on the quiz and start playing. About 15 questions can give you alot to know more about your friend. Or are they really your friend?

Created by: Wajiha
  1. Have you left the toilet roll empty
  2. Have you ever cut in line and then lie and say "Oh yeah, no worrys my mom is up ahead or my friend"?
  3. Hve you ever not want to talk to someone so you ignore their text or call, but then 5 minutes lateer you text them back pretending like you didnt even get their text?
  4. Have you ever burped then blowed?
  5. Do you throw something that is actually recycling in the garbage?
  6. Do you leave a sip of milk in the carton, so you dont need to refill the milk?
  7. Have you ever drank straight from out the carton?
  8. Do you make an excuse up that your pet ate your homework
  9. Do you ever lose a game and then say "thats only because I let you win
  10. Do you ever break someones snowman when they arent looking?
  11. If someone offers you candy do you take all the re ones?
  12. When you finish eating at a restaurant do you do all these crazy things to the table, like puttin water on the napkin, or drawing on the table?

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Quiz topic: Am I a jerk?