Are You A Horse Lover?

You think you a horse lover? you might thing wrong! well take this test to find out if your someone who hate horse loves them or think they are just a part of life!

do you thing horse are a BIG or small part of your life? well find out! it take just ten min to fund out if you are Kentucky derby worthy or dumpster worthy!

Created by: TB Dreams
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your horse gets a deep cute you...
  2. You have to pick ether to go to a ranch for your birthday or a amusement park, you pick...
  3. Your bff hates horses and tells you to quick or you're not her friend. You choose...
  4. When you say goodbye to your horse you:
  5. When you play on the computer what websites do you like?
  6. Your brother gets mad at you and is about to go out to the barn and look at your horse. He brought his knife. You..
  7. You're showing and your horse freaks out. You....
  8. You have a horse/pony. It was your FIRST horse/pony. But it was 32. Your mom gave you the choice of putting it to sleep or let it suffer. Would you:
  9. If a horse was galloping towards you would you:
  10. the rules are you have to visit you horse everyday or they will sell you but its your bff's birth day you...

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Quiz topic: Am I A Horse Lover?