Are you a Good Runner?

Created by: Allyson
  1. Are you physically fit?
  2. About how much sugar do you eat per day?
  3. Today, you are feeling lazy about running. You
  4. When you are trying your best, about what is your time for a mile?
  5. When it comes to running, you are
  6. You are at an XC meet. Five seconds before the gun goes off, what thought goes through your head?
  7. Do you stay fully hydrated and get enough sleep? (you typically need eight hours of sleep per night and eight glasses of water).
  8. How many miles do you think you can run?
  9. On your XC team, how good are you?
  10. This question will affect your score the most. Do YOU like running?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Runner? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Running Quiz category.