Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend

A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that can, at least in theory, be checked and confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with opinions and beliefs, statements which are held to be true, but are not amenable to pragmatic confirmation.The word fact derives from the Latin Factum, and was first used in English with the same meaning: "a thing done or performed", a use that is now obsolete. The common usage of, "something that has really occurred or is the case", dates from the middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is sometimes used as synonymous with truth or reality, as distinguishable from conclusions or opinions. This use is found in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not history, nor fact, but imagination

confirmation.The word fact derives from the Latin Factum, and was first used in English with the same meaning: "a thing done or performed", a use that is now obsolete. The common usage of, "something that has really occurred or is the case", dates from the middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is sometimes used as synonymous with truth or reality, as distinguishable from conclusions or opinions. This use is found in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not history, nor fact, but imagination

Created by: charlie sheen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever cheated?
  2. Do you get jelous easily?
  3. Do you flirt with someone not your girlfriend/boyfriend?
  4. Have you done IT with your girlfriend/boyfriend before?
  5. Your celbritey crush is in your bed. How do you react? (Your still dating someone)
  6. Your boyfriend/girlfriend says they love you. You say?
  7. Single or relationship?
  8. Do you love your bf/gf
  9. Do you love someone else thats not your bf/gf?
  10. Goodbye.

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Quiz topic: Am I a good boyfriend/girlfriend