Are You a Giver or A Receiver?

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This Christmas season, learn if you're a giver or a receiver. Tis the season for giving, so take some time to learn if giving comes naturally to you!

There's the old saying, "It's better to give then to receive," but we are surrounded by commercialism. Learn where you stand on the spectrum. Do you believe it's better to give or are you caught in the commercialism of Christmas?

Created by: niNe. magazine of niNe. magazine
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're at the mall with your mom. Which best describes your shopping trip?
  2. What's the one thing you always make time for during the busy holiday season?
  3. What's your idea of a great gift?
  4. Which best describes your gift-giving mentality?
  5. You get a flannel nightgown from a distant aunt and it's obviously not your style. What's your first thought?
  6. Your aunts, uncles and cousins will arrive for the holidays tomorrow. Your mom has to work late and she's super-stressed. What do you do to help?
  7. It's your first Christmas with your boyfriend of six months. Which best describes how you'll celebrate?
  8. Your best friend's family is going through some hard times and it's going to be difficult for her to buy a gift for all of your friends. What's your plan of action?
  9. You parents bought your boyfriend a great gift, but his parents didn't get you anything. How do you feel?
  10. You can't get into the holiday spirit. Which would you do?
  11. A new friend gives you an unexpected gift. Your first reaction is to...

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Quiz topic: Am I a Giver or A Receiver?