Are You a Genius?

Geniuses... What are they? A person with a very smart brain and they probably always think for themselves. What do you think? Do you know someone who's a genius? Not many people are real geniuses, but I guess we're all pretty bright people.

Do you wonder if your a genius? Lots of people do, and thankfully, someone wrote a cool quiz to find out! It's not the score that matters, (okay, well, maybe it does) but you can still do well! These results are not always accurate, but let's hope they are.

Created by: Joanie
  1. What's your fave color?
  2. What do people describe you as?
  3. How would you describe your grades?
  4. What are your favorite TV channels to watch?
  5. Do people call you a geek?
  6. What's your fave type of movie?
  7. Can you solve this equation? 9x + (-78 + 98) for x = 4
  8. Role Play! Okay, so you're walking down the hall and suddenly some guy knocks you down. What does that guy say?
  9. Last Role Play! There are these girls that are throwing a party. They pass by and stop right infront of you holding a box of invitations. What do they say?
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Genius?