Are you a dreamer?

There are many people who like dreaming all day... They believe in them and want to go on....... Some others believe that dreams isn't something important...

Would you like to know if you are a dreamer or not? It doesn't matter if you aren't or if you are. Every person is unique... The perfect is very difficult but sometimes dreams can bring you there...

Created by: hnhnhn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you believe that dreams mean a lot of things for yourlife?
  2. Did you know that in ancient times, dreams were very important?
  3. Have your dreams ever told you something that became truth?
  4. Have anyone ever told you that you have to return to the real world?
  5. Have you ever tought that you have to follow your dreams whatever people say?
  6. do you believe that there is the perfect?
  7. life can be a dream with....
  8. what do you think people believe for you?
  9. do you have many friends?
  10. you prefer night or day?
  11. a note from me: Believe in your dreams.They are inportant. Live your life with the way that you have dreamt. That's the point...;)

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Quiz topic: Am I a dreamer?