are you a douche bag?

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there are two types of people in this world. douche bags and good everyday normal human beings. this will help you find out how much of a douche bag you really are.

do not be angry at the results because the test does not lie. it will defiantly tell you if you are or if you are not a douche bag. but you probably are a world class douche if you are doing this test.

Created by: dank maymays
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if riding a bike do you wear a helmet?
  2. when riding a bike do you wear fingerless gloves?
  3. if you were single, what car would you drive?
  4. if you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
  5. how often do you dab?
  6. what chips do you eat?
  7. what do you drink?
  8. was jurrasic world a good reboot?
  9. is harry potter cool?
  10. how often do you say, ah sa dude?
  11. do you think you are a douche bag?

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Quiz topic: Am I a douche bag?