Are you a C Programmer?

This is a quiz about the C Programming language. You may think you know it, but do you acctually? Only one way to find out! Take the quiz now! See if you are a programmer!

Yes! With only a few minutes of your time, you can find out if you truly are a C Programming expert! Utilizing advanced questions, you can find out today! For Free! So, do you like my advertizing speech?

Created by: Wayne
  1. What is C Programming?
  2. What does "printf()" do?
  3. How do "printf()" and "scanf()" work together?
  4. What do "&&, ||," and "!" mean?
  5. What is "sqrt" an abbriviation for?
  6. How do you put Compound Addition and Subtraction?
  7. Name the levels of memory in accending order from smallest to largest.
  8. What do you start EVERY PROGRAM with?
  9. What is one of the simplest but playable games you can make with only the C Programming?
  10. Do you actually want to commit time to learning C?

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Quiz topic: Am I a C Programmer?