Are you a bro? Or a poser

There ar a bunch of people out there that claim to be bros but aren't. And it's time that they found out if they really are. Its time to point out the posers and let the real boys go out and play.

So come n take the test and see if you can man up and be a bro. What? Don't think you can passthe test? afraid to let your friends see how fake you are? Pussy, take it.

Created by: Spade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you shop at No Fear
  2. Do you like to ride?
  3. If so how often do you ride?
  4. True or false? I have motocross posters in my room.
  5. Have you ever been in a fight?
  6. Do you drink?
  7. Where would you rather work?
  8. Last question. Do consider yourself a bro?
  9. I swear this is the last one. Are you always there for your homies?
  10. ok this is really the last one. Where is the best place to party?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bro? Or a poser