Are You A Booty Call

As I am sure many of you must know, a booty call refers to an individual being used for sex and/ or sexual activities. As time progresses, more and more men and women are found involved in these behaviors.

Are YOU being used without realizing it? Take this quiz and find out or learn the warning signs for the future! Pass it on to your friends; save a heartbreak.

Created by: John
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You Meet Up:
  2. Who Starts The Conversation?
  3. Have You Dated Previously?
  4. Do His/Her Friends Know About You?
  5. You hang out in:
  6. What Time Does He/She Ask To Meet Up?
  7. Are They Always "Busy" When You Ask To Meet Up?
  8. Do They Act Uninterested Or Rude Unless They Want To See You?
  9. Have You Talked About A Relationship?
  10. Do You Feel As Though You Have To Do What He/She Wants Or You Won't Get To See Him/Her Anymore?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Booty Call