Are You A Black Metal Fan ?

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Do you like Black Metal, than you should take this quiz and find out for sure. this quiz is about 90 % right, i would take it if i were you. Long Live BLACK METAL !!!

Are you truley A Black Metal Head, than take this quiz and seetle this debate in your Christian Hating Head Once And For All ! Long Live BLACK METAL !

Created by: In Nomine Satanas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like keybords and synthesizers in your Black Metal ?
  2. What does N.W.O.B.H.M Mean ?
  3. What 80s Thrash Metal band from England made an album that featured the words; "Black Metal" ?
  4. In the 90s which scandanavian country had a series of Church Burinings ?
  5. What year is the "First Wave" Of Black Metal Decade ?
  6. What Constitues as the "Second Wave" of Black Metal ?
  7. What Vocals is Black Metal ?
  8. How Long is your hair ?
  9. Would you ever wear Corpse Paint ; if you had your own band or if you went to a concert ?
  10. How much Black do you wear ?
  11. How do you feel about Religion ?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Black Metal Fan ? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Heavy Metal Quiz category.