are you a biker or a surfer?

have you ever seen the Disney channel original movie teen beach movie? well I have and I want to know what all the people of the world think of it... take this quiz to see if you are a biker or a surfer!

this quiz is so good and you should totally take it. a biker or a surfer... I hope you like it as much as I do! I will be posting more quizzes soon...

Created by: laura
  1. surf boards or motorcycles?
  2. tanner or Lela
  3. leather vests or swimsuits?
  4. sand or pavement
  5. ocean or the open road?
  6. diners or beaches
  7. cruzin for a bruzin or surfs up?
  8. rascal or chichi?
  9. Mack or Brady
  10. high heeled leather boots or flip flops?

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Quiz topic: Am I a biker or a surfer?