are you a bad mother | Comments

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  • Those questions are so shallow being a good parent is providing support and unconditional love not about at what age u control your kids to do something any one who neglects ,manipulate ,beat their children is pure trash you are not teaching them any thing you terrorise them and causing them a trauma even if YOU "don't see it" I promise you it's there .your children are not your objects or puppets stop treating them that way and try to control them and making them miserable I promiseeeeee you raising them like is not for their "own good" take responsibility and see where are you wrong and change your ways to more loving ways and being loving and explaining calmly to your child something instead of beating the crap out of them ,slapping or insulting them has nothing to do with weak boundaries it's called being a decent human being and an actual example ALSO neverrr invalidate how your child feels

  • 28% are you gotta be frikin kiding. Do you even have kids cuz you seem like the bad parent here. My kids love me all 17 of them. So what now


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