another stupid quiz

hahaha this qiuz is lame, i am not gonna deny it, but if you want to know how lame you are then take it, seriously just take it cuz you know that you have nothing better to do. only stupid people have inportant things to do, and you wouldnt wanna admit to being stupid now would you. thats what i thought

lame lame lame lame take this quiz or die of shame(hahah i can rhyme)now i am just gonna write random crap WOOOOHOOOOO! ENVOLOPE! DONKEY! HARRY POTTER!TREE TRUNK! PARTY! ok well hopefully that is enough, oh crap it isnt here are some random numbers hahah it wouldnt let me put random numbers hahahahaha it also wouldnt let me include the character requirement

Created by: brittany anderson of myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the best animal
  2. what is the best type of music
  3. if you had to live with one person for the rest of your life who would it be
  4. how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
  5. what is the best movie of all time
  6. on a friday night you are
  7. describe yourself
  8. this quiz is
  9. the person that made this quiz is
  10. i am doing this quiz because

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