Another announcement from natuhleegayle

Yes, another announcement. I should be doing some work but you should read what I have to say first! It could be important! I hope you read this before taking the quiz.


Created by: natuhleegayle
  1. Yes, it's me again. It's been two weeks since that last announcement and yes, i have been working on part fourty three and let me just say that there's a major time lapse in the story because I really need to speed things up.
  2. Okay, there are two things I want to talk about besides the series. So, in a month, I'll be back in school and it's amazing how time flies because I'll be in Grade 12 which means I'll be a senior. It also means it'll be hard for me to balance writing again and I've been meaning to ask...
  3. Okay, first the issue with what I'm about to ask, a majority of you would react "It wouldn't be the same" and it would be difficult for me as well; I was going to ask someone who has a lot of free time on their hands, a fan of mines and overall is a good writer to continue the series for me because I've been letting all of you down and it's just a terrible feeling. This is just a suggestion because I'm planning to continue it but it'll be progressing amazingly slow.
  4. Well, that's one thing down. On to the next one.
  5. The next thing I want to talk about is Ustreaming. If you don't know what that is, if you're a directioner; you know how the boys do twitcams and fans ask questions or if you're a 5er and the boys do ustreams and interact with the fans by also answering questions, well yeah, that's basically it.
  6. On Tuesday, August 7th at 4pm EST. I will be ustreaming, why? Because I have so much I want to say and I don't have the time to type everything out, so I just want to say it.
  7. TO ALL OF MY FANS OF ANY OF MY SERIES, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! I will be revealing the late contest winners for both series of the hunger games and one direction on my ustream; so if you entered and you're waiting, mark your calendars because it'll be revealed! And, I will be reading a sneak peek of Part Fourtythree as well as give you a little taste of the ENDING OF HOGWARTS LOVE STORY! I know, we have at least two more years to cover and the deathly hallows but I've been working on the ending for quite some while and also special scenes that will be featured in Year 6 and the Deathly Hallows; so it's actually a very exciting ustream to any of you who actually love the series. No, no spoilers, basically just a song and lines that the "you" will share in scenes with Reese, Oliver, Draco and Harry! Yes! This will give me a boost of motivation to write! :)
  8. Oh and since I'm ustreaming; if any of you have a twitter account or facebook account, be sure to log in with your facebook/twitter user to send any questions you might have and if you want me to give you a shoutout. I will be glad to do so! If any of you don't have an account on twitter or facebook; leave a question in the ask below and I will read and answer them during the ustream but be sure to watch on tuesday august 7th at 4pm EST to check if your question has been answered! I really missed you guys and this gives me a way to interact with all of you.
  9. Oh and I will be posting the link for the ustream in the comments an hour and 30 minutes before I go on ustream! So, please write on a sticky note a reminder to check the quiz for the link and the date of the ustream or this will be pretty awkward!
  10. And yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say! Thanks and please please, don't let me be an awkward potato.
  11. Before I forgot, the ustream begins at 4pm but that's in Toronto and the East Coast of North America (e.g New Jersey, Florida and etc) If you live by PST (California, British Columbia; the West Coast of North America); the ustream will start at 1pm. If you live in Central America which is Oklahoma, Colorado; the ustream will start at 2pm. I really don't know all the time conversions but please know before tuesday when I will be starting the ustream! I don't want you guys to miss out!

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