annoying older sis | Comments

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  • First off, you shouldn't be doing those things to your older sister anyways. You should go into her room because it's her room. You wouldn't want her coming into your room, would you? You shouldn't sneak up on her and not expect her to yell at you. She doesn't want to be bothered. You shouldn't change the show that she was watching because she was watching it. She was there first and so she got to decide to watch whatever show she wanted to watch, so you shouldn't change the channel just because you don't like it. The whole world doesn't revolve around you. And yes, I am an older sister with a very annoying younger sister who does those things to me (except we share a room, so she can walk in there whenever she wants), but I still stand up for her if she's getting picked on. That's what older sisters do, so younger sisters should lay off their older sisters because we have a lot more stuff going on.


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