Angels of Hell - Choose YOUR Path

This story was written out of total boredom. I'm sorry if you didn't like it. :( I understand if you thought this was weird. I thought of the questions as I went.

What did you think of this story? Feel free to leave a comment and some ideas, and I'll consider putting some in the next part, with some credit towards you.

Created by: CodellaLee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. *Beep. Beep. Beep.* went my alarm clock, telling me to wake up.
  2. I showered, got dressed and called...
  3. Telling them that I wasn't going to school, because...
  4. They said it was fine, but to stay up to date with my lessons. I said...
  5. And hung up. Today, I was going to meet my sister, whom I had never heard of before. Totally unknown! I felt...
  6. I had my breakfast, which was...
  7. It tasted...
  8. I quickly rinsed my dishes and...
  9. To the train station. I had to go to the city (I lived in the country) and meet my mother, where I would walk with her to some tall building. There, I would see my sister. I now felt...
  10. When I was halfway to the city, the train stopped. The lights went out. And everyone sat in silence. I was...
  11. The train driver's voice blared over the loudspeakers, quivering. He said that there was some spooky, unknown figure on the train. I...
  12. Something caught my eye. I looked up. There, was a hooded figure, dark mist traveling behind it. No one could see its face. I...
  13. No matter what, I was spotted. The hooded figure ignored every other man and woman, child and teenager. It seemed to want me. Why? Why me? I said...
  14. The strange passenger said nothing. Instead, it.... CLIFFHANGER XP

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Quiz topic: Angels of Hell - Choose my Path