Am I getting fat?

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Hi! This is a quiz for seeing how plump you are, please don’t be disappointed with your answer, and everyone is beautiful!!! (Please do not use this quiz as an indicator of your weight. If you think you need help, go see a doc!)

Here’s some things about me! I’m a squishy pudgy girl, but I love my chub and I think it’s amazing! It can’t hurt you (unless overweight/underweight) I’m really bad at exercising and don’t do much, I try, but I want to keep my soft pillow :D

Created by: Softchubchub
  1. Stand up. How many rolls do you have?
  2. Hit your belly. What does it do?
  3. Jump up and down once then stop suddenly. What does your stomach do?
  4. Go against a wall, standing straight, and move your head down. What do you see?
  5. Sit on a metal/wooden/hard chair and lean over 45 degrees. How many rolls can you count?
  6. Sit on a hard chair. How much do your thighs go inward?
  7. Do you like your size? (NO EFFECT ON ANSWER)
  8. Sit on a hard chair and pinch your stomach. How much can you grab??
  9. Do you like plumper people? (NO EFFECT ON ANSWER)
  10. Uhh should I loose weight? I’m very similar to the person at the start of the quiz (not me) (NO EFFECT ON ANSWER)

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