What Weight Is Perfect For You?

Want to know if you should become a weight? come take this 30 question quiz! You will soon know your dream size. Is it Obese? Strongest? Who knows until you take this quiz!

This may not be accurate to what you feel. If you feel differnet, go that way, Not the way this quiz says you should go! Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful quiz time!

Created by: Uni Eruin
  1. You wake up and you are 5 pounds heavier. What do you think?
  2. You go to get breakfast after your weight gain. What food do you choose?
  3. You go to work and your partner at work tells you "You are a fatty now, huh?" What do you do?
  4. You get 10 Pounds in 2 days. What do you do?
  5. Your friend offers to help you get fatter. You put on tight everything to show how fat and confident you are. Then, In the Middle of eating your Second Pizza, Your bottom Part of your shirt Splits. Your friend is in awe. What do you do?
  6. After 5 Days, You put on 15-20 pounds. You friend says that you should lose weight. What do you say?
  7. You have gained 25 pounds. You have a pot belly. You look in the mirror and think
  8. You have a girlfriend/Boyfriend who is in tip-top condition. She tries to convince you to do this to. What do you say?
  9. You have gained 30 pounds. You have a party with a food that if you eat all of it, you suppose to gain 10 pounds. You and your fat partner decide to eat it.
  10. Your Mom comes and visits you so she can get you in better shape. What do you say to her?
  11. you have gained 40 pounds. You go to the doctor office and your doctor says to stop eating. What do you say?
  12. Your fatness is all over work. You continue to get fatter and your rival in work says "You are the fat guy!"
  13. Your partner gets fatter then you. What do you say?
  14. You get up one morning from a Nightmare that you were so fat and you died. What do you do?
  15. Its lunch time at work and you order 2 pizzas and eat hen all. You belly grows so big that your stomach breaks your entire shirt this time. You get the attention of everyone from work. What do you do?
  16. You gained 50 pounds so far. You celebrate with friends. You girlfriend break up as with you she gained to much weight. A hot new chick comes i'm, But then you realise she has 150 pounds around he fat.
  17. You get such a bigger stomach from eating, you all foward- but it dosen't hurt at all- It feels good because you have so much fat.
  18. You have gained 60 pounds now! You are so heavy, You get top heavy a lot. You have ran out of clothes that fit you, and when you go to the store, They dont have anything in Your sie- just 1 below. It makes you look fat. What do you do?
  19. You go to get pizza, but they mess up your order. You get mad and say,
  20. You eat your pizza and eat some icecream for extra weight. You stare down at your 5 big rolls of fat and think,
  21. You have gained 70 pounds! You then look at your arm. Its looks like a drape and you think
  22. You have a small Big meal for fat gain. You have 3 choices: Pick Below
  23. You gained 75 Pounds. You have became offically obese! You celebrate with a party! Your friends look diffrent- like there fatter too. One of them says "Ive been gaining too! 25 pounds so far! I love It!" You think
  24. You eat so much, Your pants burst in front of your 5 friends and they see a giantic Roll go down to your Leg. You,
  25. You have gained 100 Pounds! You wake up one Morning, and You find you have no Blanket but your warm. You think,
  26. You eat an entire Cake and Explode all your clothes across the room. You look at everything you are. And You think
  27. What are you now?
  28. Why do you want to be Fat?
  29. What do you think about your fat friends now (5 to awesome, 1 to Angry)
  30. How fat are you when you end your fat gain

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