Are you attractive?

In this quiz, you will be getting answers to see if you're attractive or not. Some answers don't count and some do, but keep in mind that this quiz doesn't determine how beautiful you are in the real world.

Please don't take offense from this quiz. It's only for entertainment use only. Everybody is beautiful inside and out, no matter what ethnicity, weight etc. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. How do you normally dress on a daily basis?
  2. Do you wear makeup everyday? When going out?
  3. What's your hair color?
  4. What is your hair texture?
  5. How would you describe your body shape?
  6. How would you describe your flirting technique?
  7. What's your eye color?
  8. What's your bra size?
  9. What would you describe your style as?
  10. Are your teeth straight?
  11. How often do you shower?

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Quiz topic: Am I attractive?