Am I Depessed or Sad?

Okay, everyone knows when they have the blues. Let me tell you that sadness and depression are TOTALLY different. Take this little quiz to see if all you can do is hope or if you can avoid depression.

Are you depressed or just sad? Are you just spoiled and mad at your parents for not buying you that barbie doll *lol* or are you in DANGER from your family? Go ahead and see for yourself.

Created by: Natalie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you bullied at school?
  2. Is your family dysfunctional?
  3. Do you cut yourself?
  4. Do you have a therapist?
  5. Have you attempted suicide?
  6. Have you taken pills for depression?
  7. Do you drink to take away the pain?
  8. Do you have any friends?
  9. Do you have any friends?
  10. How do you sleep at night.
  11. How much do you eat?
  12. Do you find yourself drawing horrible things uncontrollably?
  13. Do you think this quiz will help you?
  14. I'm sorry I need 12 questions so I'm randomly doing this one for fun now and none of it counts toward your score. OKAY, PICK A FOOD.

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