All about me!!!

Ok you guys . I'm no genius,but you can be. If you take this test,you could make a new best mate, me! By the way, well done if you pass my very first quiz

Are you going to make a new best friend?Good . By the way, if you score 50 percent or less,you fail to be my friend. I need a friend who understands me.

Created by: can't tell....
  1. What was my sisters nickname for me when I was a baby???
  2. What is my favourite colour?
  3. Where do I live?
  4. Who is my boyfriend???
  5. Who do I live with?
  6. Where am I now?
  7. What am I doing
  8. What is my fave food
  9. What is my favourite animal?
  10. What is my favourite book?

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