Become a professional party Planner

Now look this test not be able to pass his test if you don't pass this test try again if you don't pass it then try again another time and if you don't pass again then you're over Waze you're not a birthday party planner because you have to have two try in order to get in

Come on Guys I know you can do this you know you can do this this is not a hard test if you can pass the test over two try's then you got it if you don't you're done with no one

Created by: Gen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If a child gets hurt what do you do like they are bleeding
  2. How many adult people you have there
  3. How would you invite people
  4. What do you do If a little kid is doing something dangerous
  5. What do you do if two little kids are doing something wrong
  6. What do you do if two kids are fighting
  7. When you're at a party what do you do
  8. When you receive a ugly birthday present what do you say
  9. When you are taking everyone to the park what do you do you let them stay together
  10. Describe one emotion that is good for a birthday party

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