Ale you like me.

Hi everyone. Here I am with my third quiz. Yay. This one is just to see if you are like me and if we can be friends because I'm new here. I changed my name by the way.

So are you like me? Could we be friends? Let's see. If you score low, It's okay. We can still be friends if you want. Hmmm I don't have enough wordy thingies. Have fun on my quiz and yeah. Bye bye. Well, not really.

Created by: Jellycupcake
  1. Okay so what's your havorite breakfast?
  2. What's your favorite lunch?
  3. What's your favorite dinner?
  4. What's your favorite movie?
  5. What's your favorite book?
  6. What's your favorite collor?
  7. What collor is your eyes?
  8. What collor is your hair?
  9. Okay thanks for taking. Bye.
  10. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.

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