A Quiz, yeah???

This is a quiz that was made because I was bored... I haven't made many of these, so it may not be very good. Just try to have fun with it OK? I don't think I'm good at making these...

Will this quiz be FUN? Or will it just be a waste of your time? By taking this silly quiz, that means nothing, you will be able to find out the answeres to these pointless questions. Ready? Steady? GO!!!

Created by: errrrrr... hi?

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  2. Did you know that the human body has over 200 bones inside?
  3. ♪ To think it, it could make it better, better than it was before. ♪ What song is that from?
  4. Out of these games, which one is your favourite?
  5. You went to the shops, you saw a...
  6. You wanted the ______, but you hadn't brang your bag/purse/wallet with you!
  7. There was only 1 _____. While you go and get your bag/purse/wallet, someone else buys it!
  8. On your birthday, you got the ____ as a present!
  9. And You Live ...
  10. How did you like my story?
  11. BYE!!!

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