A Doctor Who Love Story Part 3

SORRY (So sorry for being late!)

As I explained above, I'm sorry this was late! My parents took away my electronics when I had only just started and they only just gave it back this week. Pretty good since I just pumped this out in less than 3 days, though. If you haven't read the first 2, please take them! The first one is under Maddie McIntosh, not Bookworm123.

Created by: Bookworm123
  1. The crazed man stares at you. His companion is a young blonde woman with a smug grin on her face. Alright, the person who screamed was screaming at a joke. And no one seemed to notice the man's arrival. Not even Alex notices who you are staring at. "___, what's wrong? Can you talk? ___!" The man walks up to you. "Hello, Harold Saxon. Pleasure to meet you," he introduces. "This is my assistant, Lucy." Alex nods and smiles. "I'm Alex Hays and this is my friend, ___ ___." All you can manage to do is nod in agreement. "Well, ___, it has been a pleasure," Harold kisses your hand. You involuntarily shiver. "Ditto," you croak. He smiles and walks away. "What was that all about?" Alex asks you once the couple is out of earshot. "That man... I've seen him before. In my nightmares," you whisper. "Well, ignore him! Tonight's your night!" he says. You manage to pull together a smile. Alex offers to get some punch and walks off, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
  2. You really wish you had stayed put. This isn't the first time, either. You begin to feel drowsy. "Oh brother. This again," you yawn. You thought you had grown out of falling asleep when you thought about your father. You walk out of the gym, hoping to find a comfortable place to rest, every moment getting drowsier and drowsier. Eventually you end up sitting down against a wall. As you begin to nod off, you see Harold Saxon. "So we won't have to drug her after all," you hear Lucy say. Harold Saxon smiles wickedly. "I wish I had listened to the Doctor," you think before slipping into unconsciousness.
  3. Your dad frowns. "No playing outside today, alright?" You smile. "Itth to make tomorrow more thpethial, ithn't it Daddy?" you guess. "That's right pumpkin." You smile. You lost your front teeth a while back, so now you have a lisp. And a funny looking hole in your mouth, as your dad says. You sit inside the house all day just to prove your good behavior. Eventually, you fall asleep. Your dad shakes you awake. "What time ith it?" you ask drowsily. "The middle of the night. I have something to show you." The two of you step outside and walk to your dad's old shed. "Step right in, birthday girl!" he says with glee. What you see amazes you. It is a spaceship, vaguely familiar, and it is bigger on the inside! Your dad closes the doors and pushes a few buttons. "Step outside princess!" he says. You open the doors. You must be dreaming, because even for a seven year old you can hardly believe your eyes. Somehow, you have moved from your backyard to a hill. The hill is overlooking a citadel. It is far too beautiful for words. There are two suns setting in the distance, making the leaves on the trees look silver. The sky was orange, like an eternal sunset. The citadel is covered in a glass dome that makes it look all the more alien. "Itth beautiful, daddy," you sigh. He nods. Soon you find yourself standing in a room. You have entered the citadel. Your dad is arguing with some of the people here, but you are young and carefree, so you don't care what they say. As you pace the room, you see another boy just as young as you. "Hi, who are you?" you ask. "Me? I think I'll be the Doctor."
  4. You look at him strangely. He looks at you the same way. "Who are you?" he asks. "___. ___ ___," you answer. He continues to stare. "So, you here to see the vortex as well?" he asks. "Vortex? What vortex?" He sighs. "The Time Vortex. The day a Time Lord looks into is only the most important day of his or her life! How could you not know that?" he inquires. "I thought I wath a human. Then Daddy brought me here. I gueth I'm a whatchamacallit, a Time Lord," you tell him. "You must be the Professor's daughter. I always wanted to meet you!" he says with glee. "Why?" He smiles. "You're the first human-Time Lord to ever live, that's why."
  5. "So doeth that mean I can't look into the vortex?" you ask sadly. "If we sneak in you can look before they can say yes or no. Do you wanna have a look at it with me?" he asks.
  6. You nod. Suddenly, he starts to fade. "___. Wake up." You open your eyes and stare at Harold Saxon. "Doctor, where are you?" you ask in your head. If only he could hear you. "___?" you hear. "What?" you say out loud. Saxon looks confused. "I'm in your head. Long story short, we're both mildly telepathic. Where are you?" the Doctor asks. "Some Harold Saxon and his assistant, Lucy-" you begin to think, but he cuts you off. "I'm coming. Stay put," he orders. A sudden lonely feeling tells you that you are now alone with Saxon. "___," he says, pulling your face up to his. "Give me the locket. Now." You look at the floor. His breath is hot and smells vaguely of mint. "No." He raises his eyebrows. "Fiesty, are we? Not like it matters, of course. There are many things in my control that would send shivers down your spine. By the end of the day you will be begging me to take your silly little locket," he says wickedly. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a slumped figure in the corner. You can't be sure, but it looks like the person has shockingly ginger hair... "No," you whisper. Saxon laughs. "Prepare yourself, ___. You've just signed yourself up for one day of living hell." You wonder when the Doctor will come. Right as you think that, a familiar voice rings out from behind you. "Not while I'm still breathing and both hearts are beating, not once, will I let you lay a finger on her."
  7. It's none other than the Doctor! "Let her go. I'm willing to negotiate," he says calmly, but you can see the fear growing in his eyes. "Like how the Time Lords were willing to negotiate with you, I'm sure. No, Doctor, we're far past that. She will stay with me, Earth will fall, and a new race of Time Lords will dominate this stinking excuse for a planet. Any questions?" Saxon asks tauntingly. The Doctor needs to buy some time, but how? "Yeah, I've got one. Maybe two," he says slowly. "How exactly did you survive? I saw you die in my arms. Why, I burned your body! So tell me why you're still here." A look of sudden confusion crossed Saxon's face. "Die? I haven't died! How do I die? Tell me, now!" he yells. You flinch. The Doctor looks at him, still thinking. "See, this year never happened. You never set foot on Earth. So how did we manage to fall into your time-stream?" he mutters under his breath. Suddenly, he clears his throat. "Sorry, future stuff," he says to Saxon then to you, "Time's not linear. It's like a big ball of wibbley-wobbley, timey-wimey stuff. I'll go into more detail later."
  8. It's none other than the Doctor! "Let her go. I'm willing to negotiate," he says calmly, but you can see the fear growing in his eyes. "Like how the Time Lords were willing to negotiate with you, I'm sure. No, Doctor, we're far past that. She will stay with me, Earth will fall, and a new race of Time Lords will dominate this stinking excuse for a planet. Any questions?" Saxon asks tauntingly. The Doctor needs to buy some time, but how? "Yeah, I've got one. Maybe two," he says slowly. "How exactly did you survive? I saw you die in my arms. Why, I burned your body! So tell me why you're still here." A look of sudden confusion crossed Saxon's face. "Die? I haven't died! How do I die? Tell me, now!" he yells. You flinch. The Doctor looks at him, still thinking. "See, this year never happened. You never set foot on Earth. So how did we manage to fall into your time-stream?" he mutters under his breath. Suddenly, he clears his throat. "Sorry, future stuff," he says to Saxon then to you, "Time's not linear. It's like a big ball of wibbley-wobbley, timey-wimey stuff. I'll go into more detail later."
  9. Saxon looks from you, then to the Doctor. "She doesn't know? Oh, this is too good. The great Doctor, destroyer of civilizations, is too scared to tell her who she is. What she is. I never would have thought you would have sunk so low," he chuckles. The Doctor suddenly seems very interested in his shoes. "What do you mean, 'you didn't tell her'?" you ask suspiciously. "Don't listen to him, ___. All the Master cares about is destroying your planet," the Doctor warns. Now Saxon is almost dying of laughter. "It isn't your planet, its Earth. And yes, that is all I care about. Since Earth is as important to you as Gallifrey was to me," he says darkly. "Tell me what's going on," you say to the Doctor. "___, you aren't what you think you are. You're a..."
  10. OH MA WORD SORRY THIS IS LATE! I'm such a tease, I know. I really hope you enjoyed it!

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