A cool quiz for noobs

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So basically you think your a noob right? This quiz will see how big of a noob you are or if you just think your a noob but your actually VERY cool! WOOP

YAY! I hope everyone gets something good! remember if it says your a noob then that doesn't mean your a noob in everything! THIS PARAGRAPH HAS TO 150!

Created by: Jackson.
  1. Is Black a colour
  2. Is an Iphone 5c popular
  3. Is ROBLOX a kids game
  4. Is Fortnite a game for kids?
  5. Who won fifa 18?
  6. What is the best fifa team? (most wins)
  7. Which team IS Neymar Jr. in?
  8. how do you tie your shoe laces
  9. What is Ronaldo's First name
  10. What is the square root of 9

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