Are you a PRO? Probably not, but let's find out

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I made this quiz because of all the noobs out there who thought they were pro. If they didn't succeed with this quiz, then I guess they are pro, in a way, at being a noob.

To all of you pros out there, stay pro, and don't go around being a noob. Just, stay pro. And be more pro. and.. I've run out of things to say...... xd

Created by: Sticky
  1. Do you play roblox?
  2. If you clicked questions 2 or 3, there is no need to continueWhat games on roblox do you play?
  3. If you answered 1, please continue. If not, then don't continue.
  4. All questions are incorrect except for number 4.
  5. Have you won the event?
  6. How many towers do you have?
  7. Do you have admin?
  8. What is the top five towers you ALWAYS take into the game?
  9. Is the Avocado great, or what?
  10. So. You've made it. You've somehow answered all of the questions correct (or just kept continuing even when I told you not to) If you've done this, (or not) I have a question for you. Are. You. PRO? Who knows. This is the last question, so..

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Quiz topic: Am I a PRO? Probably not, but let's find out
