~Warrior Cats Love Story~ part 2

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Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! !!

Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! Part 2 of my series! !

Created by: Emma LAWL
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. We'll start the quiz on the next question. I want to say please STOP being mean to eachother on the forums. If you don't have anything nice to say, STFU!!!
  2. Suddenly a rogue jumped out of the bushes. Maplewind leaped to attack him, but before she put a claw on him Darktail bowled her over. More rogues came out of the bushes. Your eyes widen. A ginger tom leaped out of the bushes. You realize he is your clanmate."Here they are!" He yowled. More of your clanmates leap from the bushes and attack the rogues. "Darktail! Are you with these rogues?" The ginger tom hissed. Darktail turned around and looked at the ginger tom...
  3. His eyes narrow. "No." He spat, and ripped his claws out of Maplewind's fur.
  4. Darktail flicked his ear, and momentary after that the rogues ran off. You thought this was odd, yet you still ignored it. "Who are you?" You ask the ginger tom. "I'm Scarletnight." He said coldly.
  5. "Well then SCARLETNIGHT," You say imitating him, "Why don't you help me carry the injured cats to camp. Scarletnight's gaze softened, yet he walked over to you cautiously. Both of you carried Maplewind to camp. Maplewind moaned as blood dripped from her shoulder where Darktail was holding her.
  6. You opened your mouth to scream, but nothing came out. You freeze, as if you were made of ice. "Oh no." Scarletnight breathed. Your eyes wandered around camp. Hazelleaf didn't have enough time to help all the injured cats. Some were dying, right in front of your eyes. "(your name) please help us!" Seapaw wailed when he saw you. Seapaw hunched over a familiar cat, and carefully placed a cobweb on him. Forgetting about Maplewind, you rush to help Hazelleaf and her apprentice. Since you know little about herbs, you just grab cobwebs to soak up the blood.
  7. The moon glittered in the sky. Cats were sitting vigil beside their dead friends. Your help wasn't much today. There are so many more stars tonight... You sadly think. Someone walks up to you. You look at him, it was Darktail. You narrow you eyes and say,
  8. Darktail tries to touch muzzles, but you step away. "Why...?" You ask him. "(your name), can we forget what happened today?" He mewed guiltly. Your eyes cloud with sadness. "Maplewind is now one of those stars." You whisper. Darktail looked at you, "I'm sorry." He whispered honestly. You back away, and hesitantly say, "Accepted."
  9. "You won't understand, but I had to attack Maplewind." He says. You stare at your paws silently. "You know know what will cheer you up?" Darktail purrs. You stay silent. "A walk in the forest with me." Darktail continues when he realizes you aren't answering. "Go to sleep," you mumble. "What?" Darktail asked. "I said go to SLEEP." You say slightly louder. Darktail's eyes meet yours. You look into those handsome eyes coldly. The two of you pad together to the warriors den. Before you step in you look at the stars. Goodbye Maplewind..., you sadly think. You curl up in your den and think about what happened previously. You quietly sigh and fall asleep.
  10. No cliffhanger this time. Will you read part 3?

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