The Ultimate Gigachad Test

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Most people are Jeffrey's some have potential but only a few are genuinely the only and truly masculine gigachads out there in the world being gigachads.

Are you a gigachad? Are you really? Or are you just a weak jeffrey who sits on his computer and watches tiktok on his phone? Find out in this quick test.

Created by: Gigachad
  1. Are you an Alpha, Sigma, or a Beta? (Alphas are leaders of tribes. Sigmas are a one man tribe. Betas are members of the tribe but still can be extremely strong and red pilled and being beta is still giga. So pick wisely)
  2. You're in a small store, you came here to buy some things and stuff bla bla bla, and then 2 guys with an AK come in and start shooting everyone, what do you do?
  3. You wake up on a saturday, what's the first thing you do?
  4. What is something that sounds like you?
  5. What is a president that you most like and would definitely most likely vote for?
  6. What do you think about LGBTQIA+? (Important question cause it will impact your results alot)
  7. What is the most important thing in life?
  8. How many social media's do you have? (YouTube, Twitter[counts as social media], Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)
  9. Imagine this, you're walking alone at night and a guy runs up to you with a knife, what do you do?
  10. Last question, this question will do the most effect on the results so choose wisely, which one of these do you like the most?

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