60 years without you part 4!

I think you are a lot of fun and addictive but the only thing that could be better is if you don't like me. I love you so much better now that I'm not going to get my nails done today and I'm still waiting for you guys are so cute and I love you too.

You are a little bit of a nuisance to be honest with you so get out of the year before that is a great day and I will never date someone apart from you at midnight. Ha ha ha ha ha ! No! I am just joking with you. I would never date someone like you. I am being stupid now

Created by: Avenger16hater

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. E
  2. What the hec!
  3. What is wrong with you?
  4. How rude!
  5. Speak proper inglish!
  6. 60 years without you got so boring!
  7. I think you should go and rate 60 years without you part one two and 3 one star!
  8. You can dislike it too!
  9. Next time you meet avenger16 in the comments section tell him to peace out. (Avenger16 is the creator of 60 years without you part 1, 2 and 3.)
  10. Bye. Remember to give a special shoutout to "avenger sucks sixteen times" and insult him and his stupid quizzes

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