40 EVEN MORE Yes or No Questions

Hey, Guys! Once again, thank you for taking my quizzes! I would like to let you guys know that I forgot my password for my profile, LadyRanicorn. So instead of staying up all night trying to figure it out, I'm just gonna make a new profile!

My new username will be kinda similar. It's gonna be LadyRanicorn55. I wanted to let you guys know this because, well, I'm not gonna stop making these quizzes! Once again, hope you enjoy!

Created by: LadyRainicorn
  1. Do you watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
  2. Are you a teen?
  3. Do you wear make-up A LOT?
  4. Are you a Harry Potter fan?
  5. Do you think you have or know you have a stalker?
  6. Are YOU the stalker?
  7. Have you ever baked cookies?
  8. Do you like spicy?
  9. Do you care about your looks?
  10. Do you rarely get sick?
  11. Do you take flu shots?
  12. Is you backpack/suitcase/bag ever really heavy?
  13. Do you walk to school or work?
  14. Do you frequently go on Failblog?
  15. Do you know who Derpy is?
  16. Do you prefer Yahoo over Google?
  17. Do you also go on Quizilla?
  18. Are you considered an outcast in social groups?
  19. Do you have 15+ friends?
  20. Are you strict in any way?
  21. Are you afraid of spiders?
  22. Do you think that Bronies are ignorant idiots?
  23. Do you think unicorns are real?
  24. How about Pegasi?
  25. Are you a BIG gamer?
  26. Is your birthday in April?
  27. Do you like Chicken wings?
  28. Would you prefer being a vampire over a werewolf? (Not referring to Twilight!)
  29. Do you know what movie Tepio is from?
  30. Are you OK with school?
  31. Do you play an instrument?
  32. Do you like ice skating?
  33. Are you a shopper?
  34. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
  35. Have you ever been bit by a dog?
  36. Have you ever had surgery?
  37. Did you read the description at the top? It's important!
  38. Did you know how nice liz_king is?
  39. Do you like carrots?
  40. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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