25 things not to do

This quiz has 25 things you should do and now take it! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment!!

This quiz has 25 things you should do and now take it! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment!!!

Created by: Kattie1999

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Would you sing "Its a beautiful morning!" in a funeral home?
  2. Would you Stare at a wall in a car dealership building in front people?
  3. Would you push a kid down to get candy from a parade?
  4. Would you sing "Its the Best Day Ever" from "Spongebob" in a public restroom.
  5. Would you get a stuffed bear and call it your baby in the supermarket?
  6. Would you slap a french fry at Wendy's?
  7. Would you tell your freinds you had a deformed toe?
  8. Would you marry a pen?
  9. Would you steal a million dollars for a million dollars?
  10. Would you eat pizza with peanut butter?
  11. Would you type with two hands if your bottle was full?
  12. would you scream "oh ya baby" after presenting science prodject to the class?
  13. Would you say "it depends" to every question a person asks?
  14. Would you stick a key in a light socket?
  15. Would you pick up and eat rice that had fallen on the ground like a savage?
  16. Would you touch dry ice which gives you blisters?
  17. Would you knock on someones door and then run away?
  18. Would you ever say thid line "The belly, it is speaking to me"?
  19. Would you wet your pants on a slide that other kids were sliding on?
  20. Would you play with your Fecis in your underwear?
  21. Would you throw a rubber band at your teacher and then run away?
  22. You thought there would be 25 questions but there arent. Haha most of these question we actually did the action

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