Zozana Empire (Story Part 1) (4 Girls)

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Me: This is a little series I'm going to start! I hope you enjoy it! This first part isn't as good, but it gets better, I promise! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!! :D

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Created by: Accalia 123
  1. Me: Ok, I hope you like this story, your a part of it!
  2. Me: You are a girl who moved to this town called Zozana, the town which is known as the BORINGEST town! You moved there when your dad got a NEW job which you didn't know was. Also, your in 8th grade.
  3. Me: Now, here is the REAL story!
  4. (The Story) "How much longer?" you asked your dad impatiently. "Good news, only 3 minutes left and we're there!" Your dad sounds excited! You weren't, you have been in the car for about 2 days! Plus, your going to move somewhere NEW and BORING! You KNEW you were going to be alone and that you would miss home....
  5. (3 Minutes Later) "WE'RE HERE!!!" your dad said, he parked the car and you both grabbed your bags to bring them inside. You looked at the house, it was just white, a bit of sky blue, it was small and simple. You went inside. It was just white walls and a wooden floor. Nothing much... You didn't seem excited, your dad noticed. He forced a smile and told you "Go check out your room, honey! It's in the attic!" You thought your dad was kidding, but he wasn't, he REALLY meant the attic. You had....
  6. You go upstairs and pull down the ladder to the attic. You throw your stuff up there, then you climb up their. You look around, surprisingly, it wasn't bad at all, it had white walls and BIG space with a circle window to look at the neighborhood, there was also a closet to put your clothes in. What do you think now?
  7. (1 Hour later) All the furniture was in the house. You were now just sitting on your bed, thinking. Then, you heard someone coming up the ladder, it's your father. "Hey, sweety, so," he sits by you on the bed "What do you think of the house?" "It's fine I guess....I just miss home...."
  8. Your dad hugs you "(Y/N), I know you hate it here now, but you'll get used to it and will come to love it here! I promise!" "Whatever you say, dad" you just lay on your bed and go to sleep. Your dad sighed and left the room. He wants you to LOVE it here, he is sure you will....
  9. (In the Morning) Your alarm goes off which scares you awake and you fall off your bed. You hurry and turn it off, mumbling sarcastically "What a great fall to start the day." You get up and put on your school uniform, it was a black jacket with a yellow tag on it with your name on it, and a red striped tie and skirt.
  10. After that, you do your hair and have some breakfast. "Excited for school?" you dad asked. "I guess" you say, you look at the time on your phone. 8:00. You had to go, you needed to be in the office early! "I gotta go, dad" you tell him while grabbing your backpack. Before you left, your dad hugged you and said "Have a good day, sweetheart!" You hug back "I will" then you left. You feel....
  11. You go outside and the bus is there, you go on it and sit in the back. Everyone was talking to each other while you were sitting alone. 'What if I never make a friend' you thought. You began to feel sad. "Why are you sad?" you hear someone say. You look up to see a girl with black hair with red streaks, red eyes, and the same uniform as you but with leggings. Your thoughts....
  12. "Nothing" you answer "I just moved here yesterday." "Oh" she sits by you. Then there was silence, for most of the ride until the girl says something "She remembers you..." "What?" you didn't understand what she was talking about. The bus stopped and the girl said nothing else, she walked out of the bus and left you there, puzzled....
  13. You get off the bus and go into the school, into the office. "Your (Y/N), right?" a lady wearing a red dress with brown hair, she held out her hand for you to shake "I'm Mrs. Luna, I will be your teacher for today."
  14. "(Y/N), this is Hugo, he will show you around" said Mrs. Luna. Hugo shakes your hand and bows "Hello, Mrs. (Y/N), I am Hugo, nice to meet you."
  15. Then, Hugo shows you around the school, you two even got to know each other, you found out that Hugo loves to read, is very smart, sweet, great in Martial Arts, and is great at doing anything with art!
  16. After Hugo showed you around, you had a regular day in school. The only thing that you found weird was that that girl with the black hair was in ALL your classes, Hugo was too. It creeped you out a bit. You didn't say anything though. Finally, it was your last class, P.E, Hugo and that girl were there too. All you were doing in that class was playing Basketball. Hugo and the girl were on your team too, in the end, you guys won!
  17. Finally, school was over. You were waiting for your dad to come, when he did, he got out the car and told you that you two need to be there for a while. He had to sign some stuff for you at school. You just followed him back into the school. Some kids were looking at you laughing, it was because your dad was there, but you didn't really care all that much.
  18. When you two went to the office, you had to sit in the chairs in the hallway since it was a PARENT meeting. You were just sitting there, bored. "That can't happen. No way." you heard someone say, it was a girl, it sounded like...THAT GIRL FROM THE BUS!!! "Well, that's what she wants." That was Hugo. You stood up from your seat and followed their voices around the corner. You saw them standing in front of the Janitor Room. "This isn't going to end well, Hugito," the girl said as she went into the Janitor Room. "It will, trust me, Accalia!" Hugo said, following her.
  19. You followed them into the Janitor's Room, you slowly opened the door and saw....NOTHING!!! You didn't even see Accalia or Hugo!!! They were gone! 'How?' you thought. Then, you felt something hit your head, you fell to the ground, your vision was blurred, the last thing you saw was a black figure before you passed out....
  20. Me: And....CLIFFHANGER!!! I know this first part wasn't all that good, but trust me, it's gets better! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and see you later, au revoir!

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