Zombocalypse Surviver? Or Dead?

You might think you can survive a zombie apocalypse, but can you really? I have a lot of knwoledge, but considering the fact that I'm half asleep, this is short and nondescript.

Maybe you'll make it through.Maybe you won't. Now it's up to you to find out if you're the hunter, or the eaten!! Have fun and continually check behind your back in a paranoid fashion while taking this quiz.

Created by: Raven
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How are you?
  2. Yeah I know... -_- Trsut me, I have my reasons.
  3. Alright, do you have any experience in weaponry?
  4. Do you have any experience in medicine or science?
  5. Do you have any combat skills?
  6. In zombocalypse terms, do you know what a carrier is?
  7. Do you have a zombie plan?
  8. Be honest, what's your pain tolerance?
  9. How well do you know your guns?
  10. How fast does a zombie run?
  11. How does one become a zombie?
  12. How does the infection spread?
  13. Shut up. No one likes you.
  14. Because you have no zombie plan.
  15. Can you create explosives?
  16. Quick!! What is the best weapon directly near you right now?!
  17. Do YOU think you'll survive?

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