zombie slayer james

there are people who think they are genius's an there are those that are genius's there is a big difference try this quiz and see where you stand . good luck.

are you a genius ? do you have the skills to survive long enough to kill your share of zombies and more ? will you be able to create more humans to keep the world spinning ? please try the quiz and try out.

Created by: james sefton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you believe in zombies ? (be honest)
  2. have you seen sovier injuries ? (broken bones, dead bodies, someone stabbed/shot etc)
  3. have you shot a firearm ?
  4. you are alone in a supermarket and everyone sprints out of the store leaving you on your own, you hear something smash, then something groan, what do you do ?
  5. your best friend has been bitten what would you do ?
  6. you break into someones house, and they have more than 100 guns, which do you choose, (this will take time).
  7. when do you think there will be an apocalypse?
  8. what do zombies do if they see a person around 20ft away ?
  9. who would be protected the most if there was an apocalypse?
  10. why did you take this quiz ? (this wont add or decrease your score)

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