Your Wings Of Fire Soulmate (all Answers Are Females)

So like, this has many spoilers in it so, don't say I didn't warn you. But anyway, this just tells you who your WOF soulmate is! Who do you think you'll get?

Two role play-ie questions, some what do you like, all that. This quiz was difficult to make, and my first, so don't judge too hardly. Sincerely, The creator of this WOF Soulmate Quiz P. S.: All possible results are female, male in the works.

Created by: Clouds
  1. Your soulmate gets captured by Icewing. You are a Skywing. What do you do?
  2. If a child saw you doing something and cried, you would ______________
  3. She gets captured by Sandwing outclaws and tortured. You…
  4. Ideal first date GO.
  5. (Doesn't effect result) Who do you want?
  6. What do you look for?
  7. If she got upset you___
  8. If she died, you would.
  9. She cheated on you. You.
  10. You break up. Why?

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Quiz topic: My Wings Of Fire Soulmate (all Answers Are Females)

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