Your superpower

Have you got a crave for a superpower but don't know which one have you tried quizes before but it doesn't fit your personality.Well this is the quiz for you are you ready rate 10 stars

In this quiz you have 12 questions and if you finish the quiz you just promised to rate it 10 stars even if you did not like it so in your face and enjoy my quiz

Created by: Hunterbrine
  1. Pick one
  2. Which one have you chose
  3. Which body part do you like to use the most
  4. Are you smart NO LIES
  5. Dude
  6. How many milliseconds are there in a year
  7. Do you get bullied
  8. Are you a bully if you are don't comment or rate
  9. Worst fear
  10. Did you like my test

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Quiz topic: My superpower