Your Love Crest Digimon Partner!

There is a quiz on What your DigiCrest is. You Should take that quiz first. I have added Three extra Crest,( Ambition, Integrity, and Endurance). However you really don't have to.

This Quiz Is To Find Out which Digimon would be Your Digital Partner if you only had the DigiCrest of Love. The type of element that goes with the crest of Love is Wind. Most of these Digimon will be Bird based.

Created by: Ray
  1. What do you Value More?
  2. Pick One:
  3. You Hear the Cry of Digimon In the Distance. What Do you do?
  4. What would you do For Your Love Ones?
  5. Choose One:
  6. What would you Like to be Remember for?
  7. I Wish I could Never Feel...
  8. Would you rather:
  9. You are Separated from your Digipartner. What do you do?
  10. Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?

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Quiz topic: My Love Crest Digimon Partner!
