Your Attack on Titan Boyfriend

I'm bored okkkk also merry Christmas happy Hanukkah!! I'm struggling with stupid boys, no offense (ok some offense) really though check out my quotev account!

the username is Mushroomfrog3345 I also have tiktok and zepetol my pixel art is TheMistress3345 have a good day with your boyfriend!! (Aot bf) :) I got a A+ on my spelling test :'(

Created by: TheMistress3345 of Quotev
(your link here more info)
  1. Color?
  2. Favorite animal?
  3. Last of all!!😈 favorite girl?
  4. 😈i have to do 10 questions so just...
  5. Which animes?
  6. Imma have a friend add questions. First Ruben *not friend* Hmmmm sport?
  7. Riley Any disabilities? Btw doesn't affect answer ✨✨
  8. Three more!
  9. Save me
  10. Last

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