You know the real deal? (Sam Smith edition)

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Hey y’all! How you guys doing this fine day/night? Y’all know Sam Smith? Take this quiz to find out just how much you do know about him/they. Are you excited?

I am. I personally love Sam Smith lately but one of my favorite songs is his most inappropriate! Like, what the heck! You all have a good day/night and please have fun taking this quiz to see how much you love Sam Smith! And, please be warned, these questions are very randomly placed so…

  1. Gag question! What are his pronouns?
  2. What’s their sexuality?
  3. What’s their full name?
  4. How tall are they in 2023?
  5. Where were they born?
  6. What shoe size do they wear?
  7. What’s their favorite ice cream flavor?
  8. What’s their favorite color?
  9. Do they want a baby?
  10. Which vegetable is totally pointless to them?
  11. I’m sorry that I’m ending this now. Love y’all!
  12. Can you all go to my page and go to my forum post’s? Then go down until you see Who wants to write a successful book? Click that and give me story ideas y’all!

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