WVU/ Morgantown Quiz

How much do you know about WVU and Morgantown? Are you a Maniac or are you just a person who goes to the games for the beer and food? Take this quiz to find out how well you know Morgantown.

If you take this quiz you will at least be able to fit in with the locals and have a clue where things on campus and around town are. Mountaineer Nation is growing and to be a part of it you should know a thing or two about it.

Created by: pepper1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What year was West Virginia University founded?
  2. Who is the current head coach of the basketball team?
  3. Woodburn Hall is located on which campus?
  4. What is Bent Wiley's?
  5. What part of town is Marios Fishbowl in?
  6. In the next couple of years, when either the football team, men's basketball team or both win national cahmpionships; who will the join as champs?
  7. What looks best as road kill along Interstate 68?
  8. In order from downtown towards the Rec Center how does the PRT run?
  9. Who has a star on High Street?
  10. What is the building called that sits across from the coliseum, that resembles a giant toilet?
  11. How many times has a female been the Mountaineer mascot?
  12. What number did Jerry West wear?
  13. What waterway seperates downtown Morgantown from South Park?
  14. If I am driving towards Masontown WV there is likely only one reason why. Why am I driving out here?
  15. I am walking out of the Life Sciences building and walking towards the Mountain Lair what do I see in front of me?
  16. What score is required to win a game of cornhole? (according to the official rules)
  17. Where is Coopers Rock?
  18. What saying best describes the state of West Virginia
  19. What one word nickname could you use for the hospital that sits directly next to the football stadium?
  20. If you wanted to hear some local live music on Pleasant Street where would you go?

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