Wut Minecraft Youtuber R U most Like!?

Find out wut minecraft YouTuber u r most like. Sky, Dawn , Ty, Tiff, The horrifying Pewds. And many more! I hope u enjoy. Now budder budder budder budder budder. Etc..

Find out the youtuber you're most like. You are about to take a quiz that will give you the answer. Budder budder budder budder budder.

Created by: Skydoesminecraft of warriorcatsrpg
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Ore do you like out of everything?
  2. What Animal is the worst?
  3. What Animal is your favorite?
  4. Are you part of the SkyArmy?
  5. Are you part of the SkyArmy?
  6. Are you part of the squid army?
  7. R u a crafter
  8. Derp or Derpy?
  9. Hai so lazy
  10. Last Q. HAI PEOPLEZ!!!!!!!

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