Would you Survive in the wilderness?

What if you went on this sea voyage, and suddenly, everything went black. The next thing you knew was that you woke up on the seashore, with one or none of your buddies aboard.

Do you have the power and skill to survive and see your loved ones again? Or meet your dearly departed ones? Take this to put your words to the test!

Created by: Yuki Snow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you wake up on an Island, the first thing you will look for is...
  2. How do you make an ax?
  3. Easiest source of meat to hunt
  4. What are the basic materials in making clothes?
  5. To make a house, you need:
  6. what do you use to make a sturdy crafting-table?
  7. what should you make a bed out of?
  8. What's the best S.O.S. message?
  9. Aside from trees, what's your best source of food?
  10. Do you think, in your complete an honest opinion, would you survive in the wilderness? (no effect)

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